Jumat, 02 September 2011

my favorit band REVENGE

1. Angelos: Elucidate Destruction Of Existence

Mankind, the highest creation that lord manifest it
Given the world and trusted to conquer it
But now the world is collapsing by human selfishness
Lord state it that now the omega has begin…

2. Xenophobic

Freaking out the age of doom
Bringing down the chaotic restless
Write the script of outflaw
Blacken the generation

Anxiety is the mask
All fall down
(face the terror)
Cryptic compulsion
Obliterate compact

Forcing the pretentious
Scaring the beauty life
Slaughtering the piece
(Hyperbole manifestation)

Pestilence of hatred
(prominently destruct)
Paranoid distinct
(prominently destruct)

Lies blemished your skin
Hide from your honest
Hide in your crown
Lacerate your aloofness

I’m your hatred
I’m your anxious
I’m your crown
I’m the xenophobic

Forcing the pretentious
Scaring the beauty life
Slaughtering the piece
(Hyperbole manifestation)

Freaking out the age of doom
Bringing down the chaotic restless
Write the script of outflaw
Blacken the generation

I’m the Xenophobic

3. Servants Of The Myth

We are the subject of obligation
Servants of the gods
Praise the visionaire
We are design to bowing

We are the subject of obligation
Servants of the gods
Praise the visionaire
We are servants of the myth

We’re killing for nothing
We acclaim our merit
Impurity for what we have done

This is the legion myth
Slaved by our thoughts
Divining a dead shit

Enslavement of mankind
Creation of the bastard
Continue to revealed the damned promise

Servants to our gods,we create a false divine
Servants to our gods, we sacred the doom

Oh God
We are dying in the hand of statue
That we invented to kill ourselves

What a dull existence
Perceiving no escape

Enslavement of mankind
Creation of the bastard
Continue to revealed the damned promise

We are the subject of obligation
Servants of the gods
Praise the visionaire
We are design to bowing

We are the subject of obligation
Servants of the gods
Praise the visionaire
We are servants of the myth

4. The Antipope

Now the new demonic age
The locust of hell jumped
Victimized: I’m the calculated design
To bring this empire to mass destruction

Holy place is burned
By the human idiocy
They lured to cryptic prophecies
And I’ll be served

Baptized alive, baptized to death

I'm the chaos
I'm the son of impurity
Duality of demon and human

The endless diabolical mind
Manifest an apocalyptical (thoughts)
Incineration of all the truth
You’re gonna die

Ah the fallen angel come to me to fill this world with apocalypse
Show them the blind world,fill this world with hate

I'm the one who denied your God
I'm the one who kill your priest
I'm the one who deceive
I'm the one that you wont embrace

Holy place is burned
By the human idiocy
They lured to cryptic prophecies
And I’ll be served

Baptized alive, baptized to death
Though I’m the reincarnation of black God

And I’ll be served
And I’ll be served
And I’ll be served
And I’ll be served!

5. Procreation The Illumination Of Deviance

Weapons of manipulation, integrated
Professed to contamination, all lie!

Called a prophet, called a killer

Revert all negation of life
Neglecting moral of truth
Abrogating system of law
To breed the new live

Illumination of doom, full of religion infection
Illumination of false, convert all holiness

We are the shepherd of your malevolence
We are govern of this world
Created to destroy, and rebuilt

Prepare the new world order
Reptilians invented to attract
The third army moved to the next phase
To stop this redundancy act

Hide and seek
To prey the object
Hide and seek
Root to evil

Revert all negation of life
Neglecting moral of truth
Abrogating system of law
To breed the new live

Illumination of doom, full of religion infection
Illumination of false, convert all holiness

6. Heaven's On Fire

(back in the past, I ruin my life, I give my soul to an angel
cursed with hellfire, this curse give me a road to damnation
I’ll burn heaven and his wings)

Began the trial of the cursed one
Regrets scalded inside my organs
My love is banished with the mist
Life like a tomb in the dessert

(my life is no more, vengeance is some more)
(no salvation, only damnation)

Right now heaven’s on fire, I burn this light with all my revenge
Right now heaven’s on fire, I plague this God place

Wicked legions come forth
Chained and faded
Wicked legions come forth
Sinned and drowned

Holy place, where the people
Seeking for hope
I call it a gate to annihilation

I walk, when the sun goes black
I kill, when the devils run
I breathe, when the angels dead
I live, when the heaven’s burned

Feed me sin and my hatred will rise
Horrors of vengeance always in my mind

Angels are falling
Corpse are burning
(I’m bringing death)
Heavens is sinking
Hell is rising
(I’m the angel detest)

Right now heaven’s on fire, I burn this light with all my revenge
Right now heaven’s on fire, I plague this God place

7. Massacred In The Name Of God

Here it comes, the immortal army of god
Perish the mortal, slaying immortal
Hoping a senseless savior, the knight of the untold apocalypse

All running, screaming ,praising
Their worthless god

They who run their demise, are dying fast
They who make their own god, are tortured

We are all humankind, crawling under the sin that we create it
And finding our merit that slaughtered in the past

Those whom the One detest, they putrefacted in their own hell
Those whom the One detest, are die in Death!

No one are gonna save from
This catastrophic world
No one are gonna save from
This eradication triumph

Fidelity of the true One
Kill their mind
And mortality

Horde of seven dimension
Crumbling out from the sky
Without words soul ripped apart
And taken to the altar of death

Immortal army of God

Massacred in the name of God
We will sink in mortality
Massacred in the name of God
The earth is our grave and we die in here
Massacred in the name of God
Prophecies becoming real
Massacred in the name of God
We will sink in mortality